The Livery & Goderich Little Theatre
In Our Hearts
Greg Reynolds
GLT Set Construction Lead
1954 - 2023
It is with real sorrow that we must confirm that Greg Reynolds, our redoubtable carpenter and constant friend has passed away.
Greg's first show (as set-builder) was a grand-scale production of Peter Pan in about 1995 that required a two-level, fully rotational set. Surprisingly, that wasn't enough for him, so he continued to build, design and problem-solve our staging, even after our restart after the pandemic.
By a conservative estimate, he was the "lead carp" (carpenter) on close to a hundred shows. That amounts to thousands of hours, gifted to hundreds of community members: actors, producers and audience members. Sometimes you'd approach him with some outlandish idea, thinking all along that it was impractical. You might say, "I know...I should pull it back a little, yeah?" He'd reply, "Nah, this looks like fun."
For a director, having Greg to build meant you didn't have to worry at all about the set. His absence leaves a big hole, one that will need more than one person to fill. But then, this really isn’t about how much he’s done, but the way he did it. He took great delight in the efforts of others when a project came together. Whenever the struggle ended or an idea worked, he'd put a period to it, saying, "That's more gooder."
He was the most congenial, gentle and generous person. Few people can attend to others like Greg could. It is a gift and a discipline few possess. We are heart-broken at his leaving, but happy and better people for having known him.

Jim Mulhern
GLT Historian and Archivist
1941 - 2023
The Goderich Little Theatre family mourns the loss of one of nature’s true gentlemen, Jim Mulhern, whose decades long dedication meant so much to all of us.
Jim was a singer and musician who spread his gifts widely in the community at large: the Harbouraires, St. Peter’s Church Choir, Kincardine’s Scottish Fiddle Orchestra and other arts organizations.
He held GLT particularly dear and his devotion to maintaining and upgrading the Livery was only matched by his passion as GLT historian and archivist. Through several terms as a Board member and many years as a volunteer, Jim’s calm presence and friendly assurance was treasured by us all.
Jim was so often found checking the building for insurance purposes that he became affectionally known as the ‘Livery Ghost’. May his spirit continue to watch over us all. Rest in peace old friend.